Wednesday, May 7, 2014

All-Weather Tracks...


  • Does an all-weather track help as you run?  What are the advantages that this track can give?  An all-weather track is a rubberized artificial running surface for track and field athletics.  This all-weather track can be beneficial for any school.

The Race is On

  • This track has better traction for you cleats than the dirt tracks.  This can result in less sliding when in the starting blocks.  This grip that the track gives you can provide a better race time.
  • This track will not get ruined during the off seasons because of rainy weather.  Athletes can also run on it year round without it getting muddy.  This can also give your school a better look to guest teams.
  • Some schools may say that the track is too expensive, but it can be a great investment.  Schools would pay to get it put in and after that they will not have to pay anymore.  With a dirt track the school would have to keep paying to every so often to get more dirt put in.

Don't Miss Out!

  • This track can benefit the athlete as well as the school.  Schools should start replacing their dirt tracks with the all-weather track.  Check back frequently for new posts.

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